Thursday, March 3, 2016

This is my own art generator that I found ( This is the best art generator because it's like a optical illusion. Also you really don't have to do anything because once you're on the website is starts making the spirals but you can make adjustments by entering the spacing between the lines or how thick the lines should be.  
 This is my final art piece, the art generator for this is called "3D Twirler (  This generator is really cool because you can make any 3-D figure and shape it the way you want to. You can also choose different textural designs, I choose the gold one and my picture is a golden cup.  All in all I really did enjoyed this art generator because it's 3-D and simple to use.
This is my second art piece and I used a generator called "bomomo"( Bomomo has a lot of design options which are really cool but it's hard to control. When you click on a design pattern theres like 4 different mouses going in different directions, so sometimes the art work can look like a mess. Overall it's not bad because theres so many options of different designs to choose from.
This is an art generator called Zfrank flowers ( My experience with it was good because the design comes out symmetrical. Also its cool that the designs stamps are all flower parts. You can chage the colors of the opacity and you can get a really cool 360 symmetrical design.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

                                        This is my new book cover version of Lord of the Flies. This cover represents what the story of Lord of the Flies is all about. It's about a story of trust, collapsing society and survival. My cover shows that because the red eyes represents the beast that lurks on the island. You can see the kids are covered in blood, looking like barbaric animals. Also a quote on top from one of the character from the book named piggy, saying "we may stay here, till we die".  This is what makes my version of the cover better than the original. It's also eye-catching and appealing because I used bold colors and you can see the red bold eyes first and everything on the cover makes the book look interesting.

Monday, February 22, 2016

This is the original "Lord of the Flies" book cover. It's very old-fashioned because this cover has a pencil sketch like drawing.  Also the for the majority they used one color frequently which is this dreadful yellow color. If you look at this cover 2 inches away you still have to look closer cause the cover is so busy, it's hard to understand immediately on whats happening. There are trees and bushes in the same color that it's hard to distinguish the kids in the cover.  Over all this book cover looks outdated just on how this cover looks. Most people don't necessarily grab every book they see and read couple pages about it, they quickly judge the book on how the cover is presented, unfortunately this cover is not really eye-catching.